The UCD President’s Awards aim is to give recognition to the efforts of students in areas of University life other than the academic, particularly where those efforts provide the leadership, commitment and energy which help to turn UCD into a lively, engaged university community. To date circa 300 students have had their efforts recognised.

Big congratulations to Sreeram Chandralal, who has won UCD President's Awards for Excellence in Student Activities 2020.
Sreeram works as the Postgraduate Representative of Engineering Staff Student Committee, and he has taken effort to enhance the student experience in UCD. He also made an effort to serve the leadership, commitment and energy to turn UCD into a lively, engaged community through the following roles/activities:
1. Secretary, UCD International Students Society 2019/20
2. UCD Student Ambassador 2019/20
3. UCD Career Ambassador 2019/20
4. Member, Student Advisory Forum 2019/20, UCD Global
5. Senior Orientation Guide 2019
6. Volunteer for UCD Festival 2019
7. Volunteer for UCD Hope Fest 2019
8. UCD International student representative- QQI Institutional Review 2019
9. Took part in 5 focus groups in UCD- Brightspace-Future VLE, Information for students around exam time-UCD Registry, Mapping the student experience of UCD, UCD Festival focus group, UCD market research focus group
10. UCD Global Ambassador 2018-19/2019-20 (Global Excellence Scholar)
(*The only paid roles among these are Student ambassador and Career ambassador)
More about Sreeram can be found here .
Congratualations again to Sreeram Chandralal.